Monday, September 28, 2009


2009 travel takes me to Toronto where I spent a couple of days with a
good buddy from Klingenstein, Mike. It was nice to call him Mike
instead of Canada Mike like we did this summer since we had three Mikes.
I had a great time and got to try my skills at navigating a big city
all by myself. This is the CN tower on my way out of town. I was up
there! is what I wrote in the postcards that I sent to family from the

Toronto night skyline

The iPhone camera is good but not that good. Mike was so excited to
show me the skyline. It was beautiful--just not capturable in a photo.

Fresh cut flowers

Mike and his wife were the hostesses with the mostestest. I had fresh
cut flowers by my bedside.

Mudpies with rocks and moss


Mike's daughters insisted that the bring their mudpies from the
cottage up north back to the city. They are now on the windowsill
right outside their house in Toronto.


Cottage boathouse view. It was cloudy, but this picture really does no
justice. It was beautiful and so relaxing.

From atop the CN tower

Looking up at CN tower
